Friday, 31 August 2012

Better Than You

No you can't!  yes I can!  No you can't!  Yes I can!

Super Weird Science

If you're completely honest with yourself, you always tune in to a show when a mad scientist is involved because, well, 60% of the time the scientist has some kind of device that will either transform or brain-swap.  The other 39% of the time there's time travel involved, and the last 1% is reserved for Dr. Evil.  In any case, I've always loved mad scientist captions, and I like this one I created in particular because the mad scientist is a woman and treats the science fiction as a play thing.  Also, I might have a slight turn-on for latex...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Reading is amazing.  After reading interactive stories on, I discovered some newer universes to play around in.  While I'm certain a TF website isn't the most original idea these days, it's still a good one that works. 

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

The Feeling

Well, first of all, I've seen the request for some more adult-themed content.  I will say, I've always prided myself in the ability to tell a good story without the need for adult-images (but not to say I don't enjoy captions from talented artists who do).  Here is something recent I created that is perhaps a bit more adult in nature and stylized in delivery.

DISCUSSION TIME: Are you turned away from a caption if you're not attracted to the picture?

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Links Specialist

So yeah, back in the day I actually did series.  I still do, but it's more likely if I have something longer than the length of a single panel caption, it's a TG story on it's own.  In any case, here's one of the very first series I created.  If you can't tell, I'm a bit of a Zelda fan.  I mean come on, you play the game with a fairy following you around.  And I like fairies (Say what you will about Navi).

A Kailtyn First

I spent a good deal going through captions from my first year back in 2009 and was utterly amazed at how my style had changed over the years.  To me it's kind of awesome how much better I've gotten.  Not to say my caps from 2009 were bad.  Take this one for example.  The caps from 2009 got me my start.

Monday, 27 August 2012

Model Behavior

A bit of a twisted...  or rather ALTERED fate for this evening.  Enjoy.

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Kaitlyn's Weekly One Sentence Challenge #4

Okay, so we didn't have good numbers last week, but I blame people on vacation.  The numbers of viewers on the blog are up, so let's see if we can't get the comments up too.  For those of you just tuning in, here's how it works: Once a week I post a photo with no caption.  In the comments, provide a ONE SENTENCE caption for the photo.  The one I like best will get that photo captioned for them and posted on here by me at the end of the week.  Have something fun this week:


Alright, so it's a bit anti-climactic this week since only one person entered, but this person has been following since the beginning and I absolutely love this fun new lady.  So Maddie--ie Madcap McGee--this week you're the winner, and although you went unopposed, you'll always be a winner.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Natural Reactions

It's always been a question I've had.  If you became the opposite gender, how would you interact with the world?  Obviously, there would be new experiences regardless, but could you fight urges or would you give into them?  Maybe...  You want to give into them.

Friday, 24 August 2012

It's all in your Head

Here's a rather new caption I made for a trade.  I love mirror shots as I feel from a new set of eyes this is the place I would spend most of my first 24 hours--and perhaps a few days after.  In this caption, I had to come up with a creative way to show someone in a situation they did not want to be in by choice without 'killing' the original persona.  I'm not much for possession caps, but I think this turned out nicely.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Facebook Me

So I had this funny idea.  We often look for reality in our captions, no matter how bizarre the actual method of the transformation is.  So, what would the internet look like Post Great Shift?  I've had a few ideas on this one--the first being the infamous facebook.

As a test run, I put out this facebook page under the imagination that this is what a page would look like perhaps a year after the Great Shift (assuming they don't change the layout again).  No, I didn't go over to facebook itself and create a page.  I decided to fire up my caption-software and see how much I could do with some creative editing and paneling.  

Sure, all the colors aren't exact, but I think I got a good product from it.  I'm currently working on another for a havenette, which will bring the total--including mine--to six facebook pages.  

Be sure to look for all of the small easter eggs around the page!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

An Exchange of Roles

What is the role exchanger?  Well, it's a lesser known universe in the TG world than others, but I found that many people quite like it.  The role exchanger allows for small-scale changes, and can sometimes be as random as you want it to be.  Here's a caption I made for Dee back in 2010 before I began my role exchanger project on the Haven, which eventually led to the creation of roughly 20 or so more role exchanger captions by request.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Kaitlyn's Weekly One Sentence Challenge WINNER #2

This past week's winner was Caitlyn Masked!  Congratulations!  It was short, simple, and it worked on all levels.  Tehehe, get it?  All levels?

Again, congrats to Caity M!  Be sure to check out this week's KWOSC down below!

Kaitlyn's Weekly One Sentence Challenge #3

Here it is, week three of the one sentence challenge!  I know I know, I haven't posted the winner from last week, but that's only because I LITERALLY have not had the time to make her a caption yet, but it will be posted later on this week.  And yes, that means I have picked a winner.

But don't let that stop you from coming up with something clever for this week!  The game is simple: I post a picture, and you provide a caption for it using only one sentence.  Sentence fragments and run-on sentences don't count!  It's not that I'm being a grammar bitch, on the contrary, either of these will be viewed as cheating.  And besides, you are all better than that!  So what are you waiting for, leave your caption in the comments!

Sunday, 19 August 2012


Well folks, sorry about the brief hiatus, but I had a cousin's wedding seven hours away from my dwelling place.  So, still high from dancing last night and full of wedding happiness, I bring this caption I created a few years ago for Tar on the Haven.  I feel like this was one of the first captions I created in the Great Shift universe that didn't feel generic, and MIGHT be the way things actually carried out of this were to occur.  And yes, there was a part of me that hoped it would last night, considering how many lovely ladies I danced with...  (Kaitlyn Dances at Wedding FTW).

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Little Sugar Goes a Long Way

Along with transgender fantasy, I have picked up a few other transformational fetishes.  Typically, I pair these with TG.  One that has somewhat dominated my tastes has been shrinking.  I have never been able to put my finger on it.  I have no idea why I like the idea.  But I will say this: I don't like it on it's own.  It has to be a girl getting shrunk.  Maybe I'm just weird that way.  And I'm okay with that.

What do you think about pairing other transformations with transgender fantasies?  Do you have a favorite?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

There's Borrowing...

And then there's stealing.  Theft.  You wouldn't do it in real life--at least I hope you wouldn't--so why do it online?  If you're a common checker of these blogs, you've probably heard of the shenanigans occurring with persons benefiting from the captions we love.  And I'm not talking about the super-fun shenanigans nor the restaurant.  I'm talking about beingandrissa, of whom I refuse to actually link.  Now only does this person benefit from captions, it's captions she didn't even have the decency to write herself.  This is why a few years ago I began incorporating my tag into my work, which evolved from just my name and maybe a descriptor, like shown above, into the Kaitlyn's Cap Fairy I use today.

So there's a couple of questions to ask.  The first of which is: What constitutes as stealing in the caption world?  To me, there are two answers.  Let's begin with the obvious: photos.  We don't own them, but furthermore, we don't pretend to.  Although, there is one caption I made using my own photography, but that's another story.  In any case, I think the majority of the TG Caption community agrees that the real art is in telling the story and the overall design of the caption.

So here's the second answer: we steal ideas.  Sure, I come up with something original now and again, and am sure others do too.  But I'm also of the opinion that everything is, to some level, a recreation of the old.  That's why so often we see other captioner's interpretations of the same universe or story idea.  Is this stealing?  I don't think so.  In fact, I know Morpheus is one creator who seems absolutely thrilled to see others try their spin on a Great Shift caption.  Above is my first and I believe only attempt at another one of Morpheus' universes:  Miss Chiff.  It was quite the fun universe to play in, though I found it a bit tougher to caption.  But I really liked Morpheus' stories.  And as far as I'm concerned in the captioning world, this is the only mischief that should be going on.