Thursday, 28 February 2013

Walking the Beat

I have to admit, I'm impressed with how well the officer is taking his change here!  Of course, given his sudden propensity for keeping her mouth occupied, one has to wonder how much control "Jim" really has anymore...perhaps he's just given over to "Gem" for the time being.  ;)

Get Even

I have no idea how I managed to let this one slip by me for so long!  After all, it's a pic of two of my favorite things:  tights, and Leighton Meester!  =D  That said, the cap seems to come from a mean place, because as we all know, the best revenge is living well...but then again, if my husband was transformed to look like that, I'd have to say I'd be living quite well, indeed.  ;)

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

The Hat

I always loved the idea of a great female magician, but other than the Justice League's Zatanna, are there really any around?  We should remedy that... ;)

Just Trying to Help

And he did!  Now, Irwin's not a misogynistic jerk--in fact, he's not even Irwin at all, anymore!  I doubt he'll have too much to worry about in the way of things being less-than-feminine from now on, don't you?  ;)

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

We're Not Losers

I went in a completely different direction than I thought on this one.  Again, the transformation ranges from vague to not even mentioned.  It's inferred--which I think is becoming adapted into my style these days.  I think it allows me to explore the characters or dialogue more and really dig into a caption.  With this, I made a statement, which I believe is true.  And then I inferred that two guys did something about it.


I just love when I can find a pic of a girl who looks like she's not fully through her transformation yet, because normally, it's a great chance to have them beg for it to stop...but in this case, I flipped that concept upside-down, and I think it worked out all right.  What do you think, my dears?  ;)

Blending In

Just a quickie for now, since I really wanted to put something together with this pic--I just love that outfit!  ;) The blending concept is one I've always liked, too, even if the caps are usually similar.  Enjoy, ladies!

Monday, 25 February 2013


The Favor

By the time I'd finished this one, I realized I'd never really made it clear how the TG fit in exactly:  is Vanessa under her brother's compulsion to be en femme while working for him, or is the favor that no one else would hire her while she was dressed?

I suppose that's all up to you, my dears.  ;)

The Bleeding Effect

That's the trouble with wands, isn't it?  They're always so user-unfriendly!  Never can tell how strong they are, or how much of a charge is left, or when they'll overextend their reach and reshape the fabric of reality itself so that everyone but the transformed man remembers him as his own girlfriend's daughter... ;)

Sunday, 24 February 2013

5 Years - A Kaity Special

In this post, you're going to see 5 different captions.  One from each year I've been creating.  Enjoy them for what they are.  I'm posting these mostly because I like looking at how I've changed with my story-telling, caption templates and style overall.

A very early creation for Courtney on the Haven.  If memory serves, I had only been trading for a couple of months.  I went very generic with the photo and text in white space.  I do remember saying to myself very early on that a caption should not exceed one photo--the story should be self-contained, unless it is a multi-caption story.

In 2010, I began sometimes incorporating multiple photos in the same caption.  More importantly, I began putting my name to my work.  I had started branching out a bit from my comfort zones, and would play around with some more options in style.

2011...  The year of the border.  I was quite fond of the colored border around my captions.  I had even grown to a point where different colors represented different universes, but eventually I phased that idea out.  I felt this border helped signify my captions.  Also, this was the year my faerie marker was introduced (Thanks to AshleyM).

2012...  Well, I still blame Rachel (Yes, the Rachel of the Haven), but themes and photos over what I considered as an 'R' rating began leaking in to my work.  2012 was when it became rather prominent.  I suggest it represents that I had fully grown into things.  I also began a new technique I had seen in some other captions, allowing me to use larger pictures and/or two pictures with one faded enough to read text on top.  I feel like I perfected this and carried it into this year.

Feb 2013 - At this point, I've been blending the old with the new, allowing a photo to pop from the background, which is itself a faded image.  I've just began using this technique, and still have some issues to work on, but overall it looks very crisp and new without sacrificing any elements.

So that's it.  Five years of captioning.  I'll probably post something similar in the future.  Maybe captions made for someone over the years, or perhaps captions from a universe.  Hopefully, even if you just read the captions, this was an enjoyable post for you.

My Soul to Take

Kind of a dark one early today, but the all-black ensemble got me thinking about what it would be like to attend your own wake as someone else, just to see what your friends truly thought about you.  Of course, for Jason/Eve, s/he'll have to try and stay in character, as well...

He's Got Legs

Normally, I'd have so much to say about the capping process for any given pic...but as far as this one goes, well...seriously, look at those pins, for Christ's sake!  ;)

The Good Doctor

Based on a couple of different stories I've read--one TG, one general fiction--is this cap, which I feel I must explore again sometime down the line.  This story's far from over, and if Dr. Andrea doesn't work out for Ben, who could be next on his list?  ;)

Friday, 22 February 2013

Another Great Shift Caption

Well, for today's "From the Vault" caption, I quite literally picked one at random, and low and behold, it was a Great Shift caption, which isn't really all that surprising.  The Great Shift universe was one of my favorites when I first began exploring the world of captions.  That and Medallion of Zulo.  So it stands to reason that inspiration for my captions often came from those universes.  As luck would have it, this caption was created for Blackvioxxx, who loves the Great Shift quite a bit herself.

Turnabout absolutely anything but fair play, but if the result is the same as the inferred outcome of this post, then as I said before:  sign me up!  Love the outfit on "Hillary," btw.  Also, another rarity for me:  a man is actually in the picture, something I normally avoid...but in this case, since he won't be one for long, I'll make an exception.  ;)

Stage Fright

A rare science-oriented change from me, but as per usual, the pic demanded it, in my mind.  I have to say, I've always personally been very comfortable on stage, so I certainly wouldn't mind signing up for a gig like Glenn's here:  becoming a beautiful woman and purposely drawing attention to myself?  Sign me up!  ;)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Not Going Anywhere

...or, at least, so he thought.  ;)  Seems our talented little dresser here has gotten his friend's attention, for better or worse--I wonder how he'll respond, and for that matter, if he'll ever find any shoes that fit and match his lovely outfit?  ;)


Of course, when you play third wheel, suddenly becoming the first or second wheel isn't too bad.  Except when the first wheel knows that you're the third wheel in the second wheel's rubber...  or, okay, you know what I mean, just go with it.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Busom Buddies

Some of you may have noticed my little poll off to the side about getting transformed into a feminine article of clothing, and while this cap doesn't deal with clothing per-say, it does deal with being 'inanimate.'  Even if they are still organic.  I tried out this caption on MasterCaster who was gracious enough to let me run a bit wild. 

I think most people's 'problems' with getting turned inanimate is due to the fact that they've lost what makes them human--the ability of self-awareness and self-thought.  So in my world, if you give those things back to the inanimate, a huge problem is then secured.  Speaking of secured...  wonder how the boys will feel when the bra is undone.

Too Tall

Here's a first for me:  a caption in which the subject is extra tall, as opposed to the other way around.  =)  hehe, it just fit too well not to throw it in for this one.  Enjoy, ladies!  ;)

All Over the Place

Probably the sweetest story I've posted to date--I guess I'm just in a good mood today!  Kinda ties in with  my most recent poll, too.  As much as I love high heels, boots, and ballet flats, I always did find something a little extra cute about Converse and tights.  ;)

Jenny's tale - part 3

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

What's New, Pussycat?

CRAZY busy day, my dears, but I did have just enough time to put this little ditty together for you!  =D  "Callie" seems quite oblivious to Mr. Price's game, or at least, the outcome...but hey, I'm sure she'll get it in the end.  And she might even figure out what's different, too.  ;)  (ZING!  hehe)


Literally in the literal, not figurative, sense.  A recent creation for Tar on the Haven.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Too Successful

First, apologies for the small text on this one; I got a little carried away with the story once I started writing.  It's a fairly basic tale, save for the unfortunate (?) twist at the end, if you can call it that.  Sure, Kent isn't in control of his new, sexy body...but you know, he's got a new, sexy body!  So really, in the end, is it such a bother?  ;)


Definitely new territory for me, but as is usually the case, the pic dictated the tone for this one.  Who knows how long Mason is going to keep Morgan waiting to get back into her own body?  And for that matter, who's to say he won't decide he likes being the sister more?  The original Morgan could always just take up residency in another girl, after all.  Think of it as an opportunity!  ;)

Power over your Bullies

Why do good girls like bad boys?  I think this might have something to do with it... 

This is also something I tend to do a lot recently.  I allow the reader to make the assumption that Martin and Terri are the same person, but never actually mention it.  Something I've learned I suppose, which is show, don't tell.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Say the Word

It's a classic setup, but the picture beckons it, I believe.  It looks as though Miles has just gone through an astounding transformation and is really experiencing it for the first time by having it validated through someone else.  Good to know that friends like Amelia are out there somewhere for us all.  ;)

Killing Time

It's a common thing in these kinds of situations:  Dante realizes how much he likes the "new" Jerry, so he stalls on actually trying to find a way to help him get back to actually being a "him."  Well, I for one hope that Dante wins out in the end, because the way Jerry looks right now...let's just say that, if I were her, I wouldn't want to change back at all!  ;)

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Parents Just Don't Understand

The second part of my one-two punch return is a simple story, but it's also an astounding picture, and I just had to give it my own little spin once I laid eyes on it.  And don't you just LOVE her little flats?  So adorable!  ;)

A Long Night

Ladies, my apologies for disappearing so abruptly, but I received quite the surprise for Valentine's Day from...well, let's just keep that my little secret.  ;)  In any case, I've been swept away these past couple of days, but I am back with a vengeance now, and I hope you all had a great holiday as well!

Couple of quick ones for you now, and we start with the case of a scientist who was a little too eager to work on his project at home...and didn't quite make it home with it, from the looks of things.  =D  Enjoy!


Another mirror shot.  I tried something different in the story--something I think some might go through during a crisis such as this.

Friday, 15 February 2013


Today's from the vault features an earlier caption I created for Dee which shows her in a bit of a lighter situation.  If I recall, I made this when Dee added to her preferences that she didn't 'always' have to be in goth or emo clothes & make-up.  I was also having a lot of fun with opposites that day I suppose.  So, I present Dementia as only me, bright-eyed Kaity, could.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Not a Total Loss

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies!  =D  I hope yours goes a little smoother than our friend's, here...although, to be fair (and as I always say in situations like this), at least she's pretty!  Not to mention, her wife seems kind of excited about it... ;)



Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Slipping Away + 50,000 views!

Well, I've crossed the 50,000 view mark as of...yesterday, actually.  I'm terrible with stats, but I'm just now noticing, so as always, thank you all so much for enjoying the blog!  =D

Secondly, this new cap is actually a submission for a contest over at the From Suits to Skirts blog, which is a great little space for some TG action that almost always involves nylons as well.  This contest asks cappers to choose a pic from a provided selection and gives us a scenario as well--in this case, little black dresses are the theme, and the victim is preparing to go on his first date with a man.  I hope you all enjoy my entry!

Missed Connection

As much as I'm a huge chicken myself about coming out with things like this, sometimes it really does pay to just be totally upfront and honest.  In Marsha(ll)'s case, s/he might have had something really special with Lisa and her girl on the side, from the sound of things...but alas, it wasn't meant to be, and one has to wonder if the other girl will even stick around now?

That's what happens when you play the odds, Marsha!  ;)

Jenny's Tale - Part 2

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Beauty Sleep

Something about this one really hooked me, and I'm trying to avoid humblebragging, but I'm really proud of it.  I know the magic stuff throws some people off, but this one's so subdued, and it's just about hope, and renewal, and I'm going to stop before I get accused of being a hippie now.  ;)

I'd Do Me

Ah, I do so love that moment of realization:  when a boy who's been convinced to dress begins to realize how much he actually enjoys it, that is.  =D  Even if Tyler's giving his sister a hard time about all of this, I have to say, he's being too harsh on those shoes--I like 'em!  ;)

Monday, 11 February 2013

B for Brendetta

Well, let's be honest, with all the lack of attention to detail, giving Brendetta a B is pretty generous.  Here's a capback I made for user taralyn2011.  She's a big fan of getting transformed by accident and not wanting or desiring the change, which speaks to me because that's where I started on this journey.  I always liked being the innocent bystander when a transformation happened--you had done nothing to deserve it nor did you want it, but it was there anyway for you to deal with.