Saturday 29 September 2012

Office Mix-Up

I've been hesitant to post any of my 'adult content' captions, but decided to break the ice here with this caption I made for Bren on the Haven.  This was actually the first from my two-fer offer, and I enjoyed coming up with the story for this one--realizing I can still be classic Kaitlyn even if the pic doesn't suggest it.

Thursday 27 September 2012

F is for...

Ultimately there are plenty to choose from for F, but in my opinion, they all fall under this one in the world of TG.  Fantasy can be anything you want to make it.  It's only after the harsh reality sets in when the real FUN begins.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Type Face

It's a punishment and an intriguer!  Ooooooooo!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

E is for...

You can be as refined as you want as a man and never reach the level of elegance a woman can.  There's a reason ladies are so particular about behaving 'ladylike...'  I think it's part of the global conspiracy to keep the truth from the opposite gender.

Monday 24 September 2012

Finish Her!

A 2011 cap back when the new Mortal Kombat game came out.  The decent one, not versus DC or anything like that.  Of course, with many fighting games, the women are impossibly pretty and busty.  And yet somehow it's fighting attire...  I doubt any real woman could actually move in some of this stuff, much less be protected by any of it.  But just for now, let's drop reality.  We're good at that.

The line

Sunday 23 September 2012


Alright, so maybe I'm just being a big fuss-bucket, but I just have to know...  What do I need to do to get more views on this blog?  I know this post is going up on the weekend which is usually low on views anyway, but still I'd like to know.  How do I raise traffic over here?  I don't think people dislike my stuff--I think a good majority just don't know I exist.  I think Britney had said traffic to TG blogs was on the decline, which is no good news to someone like me who finally got the gumption to start a blog of her own.  Is this true?

If any of you faithful viewers have any ideas, please leave them in the comments section.  I will continue to post as often as I can.  My goal right now is to get more followers and to break 1000 views one day.  I literally got up to 999 one day back in August, but didn't break--my heart was crushed.  I'm on a tangent now, so here's a picture to describe how I feel:

Saturday 22 September 2012

D is for...

Sorry Dee, you are an important figure in the TG world, but I just had to go with my gut on this one :P.  I've always loved dresses and skirts, and girl's bodies just tend to make them look better. 

Thursday 20 September 2012

Facebook # 2

The second FB cap I created for loyal Kaity blog enthusiast Maddie.  I felt like I really honed my skills from the first attempt for my own FB cap.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

C is for...

Okay, sure, I could have covered this last week with B, but I thought this to be an additional sensation.  Outside of actually having breasts, there is so much to be had with the manner in which they are displayed and the power they can have.  Or maybe I'm just programmed to love 'em.

Monday 17 September 2012

Pink Slipped

Discussion Question for the week:  How much should urges affect the mind of the transformed?  How fast or slow should the mental change take place if it should take place at all?

How... *special*!

Stills and text adapted from Kelloggs Special K advert, circa 2023.

Saturday 15 September 2012

It's Saturday! Sept 15

So unofficially, Saturdays are my caption making days.  So I've decided that when I make captions on Saturdays, I'll post one of them up here.  I had fun with this one in particular.  This came from my two for one offer on the Haven.  Creating the dialogue for this caption was rather fun--the goal was to create a vague dialogue that is non-specific to who is actually speaking.  I'm still not quite sure who is talking.

Friday 14 September 2012

He had it Cummin'

Back when I first started bein' fancy with my captions, I tried out this little idea of women from famous musicals.  Here's the one I created for Courtney over on the Haven--and probably the one I think turned out the best.  It was also one of my first times doing a music parody for a caption.

Thursday 13 September 2012

More Mad Science

Here's one of the very first captions I created, and truly this was for no one but me.  Before I began posting to the Haven, I made a few captions just for me to see how mine would compare to what else was out there.  Another blast from Kaity's Captioning Past.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

B is for...

Sure, B has a lot of options.  So much so that I've thought of several more while writing this post.  But I didn't want to go straight for the obvious, and decided this week to focus more on an attitude that tends to come with beauty--ooohh, there's another one! 

Monday 10 September 2012

Rude Awakening

This cap is so new, it's only been posted on the haven for less than 24 hours at this point.  I really enjoyed writing this one--as other had commented, it is a bit 'matrixy' although I'm sure the Wachoski Brothers stole that concept from somewhere else in so on.  Great minds and all that.  Which brings me to this week's discussion question:

DISCUSSION QUESTION: Do you prefer originality (if such a thing exists these days) over a television or movie transformation theme?  Or does a movie themed transformation help make things more accessible?


As some of you may have noticed, I've not posted anything here for a couple of months. The reason for that is, well, I was burgled shortly after my last post, and my computer got taken - along with about 70 caps that I had queued for upload, and all my notes and stuff - plus a lot of stuff not related to TG capping, obviously. There was quite a lot to deal with, and at the time the Caption Palace really wasn't my priority. It's going to take me a while to get back into the swing of things - hunting down images that speak to me artistically* has taken some time. I'm aiming to post weekly for the next few months, as caps are thin on the ground at the mo, but hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things shortly.
* Pretentious, I know, but it's true. I firmly believe that a good TG cap requires an image - and a performer -that it's possible to empathise with emotionally, and then build a scenario around that emotion.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Kaitlyn's Weekly One Sentence Challenge # 5

So technically, these are going to be bi-weekly now, but I'm still going!  Remember the rules: post a one-sentence caption for this photo in the comments section--I'll caption the person of the entry I liked best this week using the photo.  Love pretty girls being silly...

Kaitlyn's Weekly One Sentence Challenge WINNER # 4

This week's winner is Jenna, though many great entries this past time.  Choosing was rather difficult, and hence I waited an extra week (not because, you know, I was busy or lazy or anything).  Congrats!

Saturday 8 September 2012

It's Saturday!

And that means it's time to party.  Here's a recent cap to celebrate!

Friday 7 September 2012

Role Exchanger

I've posted before about Role Exchanger captions, so I thought I'd post one from my collection.  It's a seriously under-played universe in my opinion, and works really well for those who enjoy random swaps of the sort, but the reality of something like the Great Shift would just be too much.  This is one I created for myself to kick off an initiative I had on the Haven a couple years ago, and (thankfully) it grabbed some attention and led to a good number of Role Exchanger captions.

Thursday 6 September 2012


Remember LOL Cats?  Before memes, there were lol cats.  Or something, they might be the same thing.  In any case, I attempted to mimic the style with my very own LOL Caps.  I made like 30 of these, so it's likely you'll see others, but this was among my favorites.  I'm hoping to try making some TG Memes soon for the blog.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

A is for...

Today is special for me in blogging, presenting my very first original caption specifically for this blog, and beginning the TG abcs.

Now, obviously for each letter there could be a great number of possibilities.  I picked this one for a reason.  My first attraction to the TG world was not sultry, lustful, nor sex-driven.  Instead, it was the vulnerability to all things cute and pretty.  And thus...  I want to be ADORABLE.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Time to Give Back

I always love a caption with a good twist.  This one is one of my favorite more recent creations of that nature.  The twist is so much so that--no, wait, read the caption.  You'll get it.


Sorry for the delay.  I have been away for a little while, but while I've been gone I've been putting together some ideas for the ABCs of TG--an original caption theme for this blog only--and will catch up on the weekly one sentence challenge.  More posts to come soon!

Saturday 1 September 2012

Kaitlyn Presents: The ABCs of TG

So, I had always planned to make some original captions for this blog once I got it off the ground.  Then I had a nifty idea.  It's a series of sorts, which I hope to begin sometime next week.  The series won't necessarily be connected in story from panel to panel, but will follow this theme: The ABCs of TG.  So, I thought before I begin working on this little project, I might open it up to you all to suggest what each letter of the alphabet could represent.  I have my own ideas lined up, but I'd like to hear yours.  You don't have to come up with the whole alphabet--just a few of the letters is fine.  Leave your ideas in the comments.  Who knows, you might see your idea used to formulate a caption by me!  Oh, and here's a picture just cuz: