Sunday, 23 September 2012


Alright, so maybe I'm just being a big fuss-bucket, but I just have to know...  What do I need to do to get more views on this blog?  I know this post is going up on the weekend which is usually low on views anyway, but still I'd like to know.  How do I raise traffic over here?  I don't think people dislike my stuff--I think a good majority just don't know I exist.  I think Britney had said traffic to TG blogs was on the decline, which is no good news to someone like me who finally got the gumption to start a blog of her own.  Is this true?

If any of you faithful viewers have any ideas, please leave them in the comments section.  I will continue to post as often as I can.  My goal right now is to get more followers and to break 1000 views one day.  I literally got up to 999 one day back in August, but didn't break--my heart was crushed.  I'm on a tangent now, so here's a picture to describe how I feel: